code of conduct.
living up to our A-Z values
We encourage ownership by defining clear goals, deploying adequate resources and monitoring performance.
Our long-term partnerships with our customers and other business partners prove that we are reliable in our commitments and make no false promises.
In our daily work, but especially when facing failure, we take accountability for our commitments and actions. We adhere to our high standards and live up to our reputation.
bribery & corruption
At PHC we condemn bribery and corruption in all forms.
While the provision of limited gifts, hospitality or entertainment may be part of customary and legitimate business conduct, we understand that these activities still bear the risk of corruption. Hence, we do not engage in such practices unless we can ensure compliance with applicable laws and avoid any impression of impropriety.
At PHC, we know that corporate information, ideas and knowledge represent valuable assets that contribute to competitiveness and profitability of our organisation. Consequently, we ensure that this intellectual property is safeguarded from unauthorised parties. Hence we do not directly or indirectly disclose any confidential information relating to past, current or future business transactions or internal matters to third parties without appropriate authorisation.
Information is regarded confidential if it has not been published or otherwise been made available to the public.
All employees are accountable for their decision to pass on information. Loss or theft of company information has to be reported immediately.
We are equally committed to use third-party intellectual properties, including patents, copyrights and trademarks, only after we properly secured the rights to use them.
conflict of interest
To the greatest extent possible, we must all avoid relationships or activities that could affect our independent business judgment or may conflict with legitimate company interests. Misusing the company position for private interests is prohibited.
Conflicts of interest can particularly result from outside employment, providing consultancy, political activities, personal relationships, investments or from accepting gifts and hospitality.
Where an actual or potential conflict occurs, team members have the responsibility to disclose it to the company. Offered entertainment or gifts of significant value should be rejected. Where the rejection of the gift could be considered offensive or inappropriate, employees should turn to PHC leadership for further guidance.
data protection
We apply appropriate and effective technical tools and organisational measures to protect personal data against unauthorised or illegal use, against loss, damage or destruction.
We are obliged to observe all applicable rules and regulations when collecting and processing data. We therefore ensure that personal data is only collected based on a legitimate interest and use it only for its intended purpose and only for as long as the personal data is required. We also ensure that any processed personal data is correct and will provide information to individuals should they exercise their individual rights.
We only pass on personal data to third parties if it is contractually agreed, the persons/parties concerned have given their consent, or if we are legally bound or authorised to do so. We handle confidential information only on a need-to-know basis and will not violate the privacy of our partners.
At PHC, we are proud to engage with colleagues and partners with many ethnical backgrounds. We consider diversity to be an important asset and a crucial resource for innovation and competitiveness.
A variety of ideas, perspectives and talents are essential for long-term success so we promote diversity within our workforce and an inclusive working environment that allows each of us to fully participate and contribute to PHC’s success.
equal opportunity
It is our culture to apply and promote a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity. Employment-related decisions such as hiring, promotion, evaluation, compensation and termination are based entirely on talent, effort and achievements, irrespective of the person’s ethnicity, religion, colour, national origin, age, sex, gender, political preference or sexual orientation.
As part of this, we strive to support every employee in developing his or her skills and talents.
health, safety, security & environment (HSSE)
At PHC we believe that the protection of human life has the highest priority in everything that the organisation does. With our commitment to excellence in health & safety we aim to create safe and healthy workplaces and provide technical, organisational, and behaviour-based measures to prevent accidents, injuries, and occupational illness of employees and contractors.
We conduct our activities in an ecologically responsible manner. It is our endeavour to use energy and natural resources efficiently, to avoid environmental pollution and advance the environmental awareness of partners in order to minimize harmful effects. Appropriate security measures protect our working environment. To avoid security threats, every partner is required to pay attention and to report any unauthorised physical or digital access, or other security incidents immediately.
We see compliance with the law as a matter of course. This applies to both national and international laws and regulations. All our actions are grounded in the principles of honesty and openness, e.g. by transparently disclosing relevant information to our employees and other stakeholders.
We aim to maintain a working environment of mutual trust, in which all employees interact with others in a fair, respectful, courteous and open manner.
We act on principle, which means we hold ourselves to a common and consistent standard that our business partners have come to expect from us.
labour standards
As an employer we provide our partners with a decent and professional work environment and fair compensation.
We comply with the standards of the International Labour Organisation. Child and forced labour is not tolerated. The employment age shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling in the country in which we operate. By no means shall it be lower than 15 years.
Employment shall be freely chosen and employment relationships shall be established on the basis of employment forms recognised through national law and practice. Team members are strictly prohibited from working when their performance is influenced by alcohol, drugs, or medication regardless whether properly or improperly used.
legal compliance & fair competition
Ethical conduct and integrity build the basis for our global operations. We comply with all applicable local, national and international laws, rules and regulations as well as in-house directives at all times.
We do not engage in any unlawful market agreements, forms of market manipulation or other unfair business practices. It is our conviction that vigorous competition based on innovation, quality, performance and pricing must be the basis for our success.
Management is responsible to organisationally ensure compliance within their field of responsibility. All partners are responsible for their own actions and in case of doubt need to consult with a qualified resource, such as external counsel, so that any potential harm and liability is averted.
social responsibility
We aspire to be good neighbours wherever we operate and act not only in the interest of the organisation but also consider the interest of society.
We engage in open and transparent dialogue and consultation with communities and other representatives of civil society that have a legitimate interest in our operations. We respect the fundamental rights of every human being and we trust our employees play a crucial role in protecting such rights and social standards.
In all our global activities, we strive for sustainability and face up to our socio-environmental responsibility.
Mutual respect, whether personal or professional, is at the centre of every relationship and the basis for the achievement of our goals. We care for our people, e.g. by investing in the professional development and offer equal opportunities – regardless of distinguishing traits such as age, gender or nationality.
We promote diversity and are proud to have team members from many different cultural backgrounds working with us. Our team is empowered and promoted solely on the basis of their individual talent, performance and results for the company. We support the concept that good work is rewarded by good pay.
We commit ourselves to acting as a fair employer and a responsible corporate citizen.
As part of this, we give health, safety and environmental aspects in all our business activities the highest priority. We implement measures to avoid, prevent, control and restrict all associated risks, strive for continuous improvement and aim to minimise harmful effects to the environment.
We drive sustainability in line with our sustainability strategy and live up to our corporate responsibility by charitable projects, donations, and employee volunteering work.
team spirit
PHC is a great place to work and a valued, reputable business partner. We treat our colleagues and business partners fairly and respectfully and do not tolerate harassment or any conduct which is humiliating, intimidating or hostile.
Additionally, we promote a speak-up culture where any concerns can be addressed without fear of retaliation.
Zero, as Net Zero
At PHC, we believe the business community has a key role to play in systemic change that averts climate catastrophe and unlocks the potential of green growth. We are determined to play our part, starting with PHC footprint.
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